For several years, the last Friday of November has become an important date in the calendar of every active e-commerce seller, not only in the USA. Every year, more and more online stores and buyers join the campaign. The Sale Day falls on November , so it's fast approaching again! History of Black Friday As I mentioned earlier, Black Friday is an import from overseas. Its history dates back to the second half of the th century and the period when then-President Abraham Lincoln established Thanksgiving Day. This holiday falls on the last Thursday of November.
After this day, the period of preparations before Mexico WhatsApp Number List Christmas begins, and thus, increased shopping. In Poland, the holiday of sales has been functioning for several years under the Polish name Black Friday. Every year, more and more stores, both stationary and online, join this consumer-friendly tradition. Black Friday in numbers Unfortunately, Polish stores are not very eager to boast of turnover from this period, so let's go back overseas for a moment. The most profitable Black Friday so far turned out to be the one from . On this day, both the record of money spent and buyers was broken.
Only in this one day, over million customers visited shopping centers in the USA. The total turnover oscillated around billion dollars. What was bought during this period? First of all, Christmas gifts for family and friends, food and sweets. Black Friday in Polish e-shops in previous years As every year, I try to encourage clients to use the Black Friday potential as much as possible. Below I will present some charts from around Black Friday with an overview. A customer from the electronics industry, on Black Friday in , decided on a one-day promotion, exactly on November . As you can see, we can observe increased sales only.