Akai Mpc Studio Serial Number
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Please note that MPC Studio and Studio Black do not contain the 'one-time clearance' software. So, if you are getting this message it means that the serial number was previously used to activate the software on at least one of the three computers you've listed above, and you need to re-activate it using the dedicated USB serial cable provided. You will not receive a message when your serial number has been cleared as far as the USB cable is concerned.
The USB cable we have provided in your MPC Studio is designed to work with the MPC Renaissance, Studio and Studio Black. This cable allows you to connect your MPC to a new computer just as easily as you can connect your MPC to your other machines. The USB cable does not provide any special functions in addition to the regular serial cable. However, it does have a slightly different appearance (i.e., it is black instead of yellow).
Your serial number is invalid. Please double-check your serial number before proceeding. If you have already purchased the software and the serial number is correct, please remove the software from your PC and then reinstall.
Please note that the Studio Black does not require any special software to be attached to the USB port of your computer, because it just plugs into the USB port as usual. The USB serial cable is still required for the Studio, however.
Now just fill out the rest of the form and hit Unlock!Please note: If using macOS Sierra with the MPC Renaissance or MPC Studio (silver), you'll want to grab the latest drivers from the product page:.For a complete walk through on installing the drivers, unlocking the software and more setup tips, make sure to check out our guide below:.Installed on too many computers or too many authorizationsYou may experience this error if you're reinstalling after a harddrive crash, purchased your MPC from a friend or even just attempting to authorize on a different computer. While this may sound bad, it's very easy to get up and running again.The MPC software comes with four (4) activations, meaning one MPC serial number can authorize the software on up to 4 different computers at the same time. But, you may be thinking: 'I've only ever used one computer!' Or 'I just purchased this MPC and haven't yet been able to authorize the software!' If the MPC was pre-owned or even borrowed by a friend, a few activations may have been used already. Also, if you've ever needed to reinstall your operating system, replace a harddrive or any other vital component on your computer, you likely would have had to re-unlock the software without clearing the previous authorization.But, don't worry! If you've reached the 4 activation limit, older activations can be cleared quickly and easily by our support team.
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