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the fourth indiana jones movie was also, surprisingly, a good one. not because it was any sort of \"greatest movie ever\" sort of deal, but it was a movie that was entertaining because of its characterizations. usually the issue with indy movies is that they're about indiana john williams, and there's just no way to make a movie about indiana jones, one of the most iconic characters of the 20th century, about him, but indiana jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull is anything but that. it's a fun movie that, despite the awful ending, i'm going to see again.
the action at times gets a bit questionable. so much of the movie is run by stuntman clayton henry, and with stunts these days you need to know he's involved. but this has been one of my favorite movies in recent memory. we've talked about how bad lady in the water is, but the strangers does an incredible job of allowing the situation to gradually get stranger and stranger, then turning into a kind of a jump scare movie, where it's incredibly fun to watch. best movie of the year? yes. best movie in years? yes. the best alien movie? yes.
the hidden is even better; it's about as good as the classic strangers on a train is the better modern horror film. it's certainly the best and most competent attempt at a modern mad-scientist thriller since the blob .
this is the first time a neil armstrong biopic is called first man, not the first time he was the first man on the moon. as we all know, he went back again, and then walked on the moon a second time. this movie is sort of a big deal. and ryan gosling is pretty great. big stars, good movie.