Anime Hentai Dragonball Z BEST
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So yes, the Rose of Versailles anime is great and you should watch it. You should also watch all the other anime I've seen and I've seen all the ones I haven't. That's the beauty of anime and there's no reason not to enjoy it.
I'm now getting backlash for my anti-noble Japan comments and people are telling me that I should be glad that the Japanese government is forcing them to adapt more anime. But this is all very much a joke. When they'll finally be able to watch the Rose of Versailles anime and make the video of the song that it's based on, I can only hope that they'll be able to hear the foreign music and lyrics there. I'm not advocating the ban of all anime. Just the ban of anime made in Japan and under the watchful eye of the government. The law is for the people to be safe, not the other way around.
I'm making a real effort to get to it as soon as possible, as I have seen every live action Macross show in the world and I still need to see it. And I'm adding it to the list of anime to have finished in order to comment on them.
I'm glad that you're enjoying the new anime. I like to think that the current output of the industry is taking all the steps necessary to make sure that every title is as good as it can be. We may not see anime like we used to, but we are assured that the scene is being taken care of and that the flow and quality of titles that are being produced are on an upward trend.
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