Dark Crusade Camera Mod
Dark Crusade Camera Mod ===> https://urloso.com/2sVb9g
On a side note, this camera does not back up quite as far as the UA camera, which makes it ideal for vanilla, i.e. modes without titans. If you want an even further camera for some reason, I suggest you do the same process using the UA mods camera files.
If you get a longer camera like the one from UA it will be even worse since again, the maps have not been adjusted to accommodate the camera, and you will zoom way into the distance and see nothing but clouds. That is why I chose to share this lesser distant camera as it is because with the UA camera you will back up into absolute nothingness. Hope that clears things up, and I am happy for those of you who find this mod helpful. For those of you who do not like, well I hope you can find some other resource that yields the desired effect.
A camera mod that only adjusts the camera so far as to correct for the vertical visibility reduction caused when using a resolution with an aspect ratio other than 4:3. This is due to the game using vert- widescreen type instead of hor+.
Very simple, move the three camera .lua files (camera_ed.lua, camera_high.lua, and camera_low.lua) into the Engine\Data folder in your Dawn of War install folder (The W40k\Data folder works too if that's what floats your boat.) You DO NOT need the original to use this. It is a stand alone mod. For those of you who have the original, thank you for downloading it, and all you need to do is put this one in the same folder, and over-write the old ones.
Well, the problem is that zooming out further will cause a lot of fog over the place. We could avoid the fog by using a flater angle, but I don't want to do that because it could upset the casual player. At the moment the angle is almost identical to the standard setting. Therefore you've the advantage to zoom out, but no disadvantage with a strange angle. I'd like to keep it that way.But you might have a look at the Relic modding sections. There are several mods that use a flater angle which allows to zoom out further. Just copy their camera files and you're fine.
I actually looked for a "camera mod" for the game and found one for Dark Crusade... Didn't find it on any mainstream sites, I simply found it through google. It comes in a zip file called "dccameramod". I think that if you type that in google it gives you the link to it automatically...
When playing with the camera in Warhammer 40k Dawn of War: Dark Crusade, I can't help but notice the shallow draw distance. The game is quite old, and this might have made sense back when PCs were less powerful, but it would be nice to see more of the battlefield in the modern day.
Example: "C:\Dawn of War - Dark Crusade\DarkCrusade.exe" -DevWhen playing, press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [~] (tilde) and then type any of the following codes in the console (case sensitive):Code:Result:FOW_RevealAllRemove Fog of Warfog_toggleRemove Fogsd_instant_build = 1Activate Instant Build (Player + CPU)sd_instant_build = 0Disable Instant Build Skirmish Mode CheatsStart Skirmish Mode. When choosing the GAME OPTIONS, "Allow Cheats" must be set to YES. When playing, press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [~] (tilde) and then type any of the following codes in the console:Code:Result:cheat_power(#)Get Indicated Amount of Powercheat_requisition(#)Get Indicated Amount of Requisitioncheat_revealallShow Entire Mapcheat_killselfSuicidetaskbar_hideHide Taskbartaskbar_showShow Taskbar Warhammer 40k: dawn of war - dark crusade units modIncreases the limit for units and turrets to 999. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); NEWSNew SCARS ABOVE Trailer tells you all you need to know
@vindsvept: when did you install the titanium wars mod?the reason i ask is because i've had titanium wars installed for years now and never really felt like the camera was zoomed out as far as it could be.i installed the camera mod the other day and while it works (i can zoom out much further), if i zoom out past the default level (default of dark crusade zoom level) the upper half of the screen is covered in fog.is this fog of war? Is there a way to turn it off?i have the game set to what i imagine are the highest graphics and resolution settings, do i need to turn something down?/reduce something?thanks. Originally posted by:@vindsvept: when did you install the titanium wars mod?the reason i ask is because i've had titanium wars installed for years now and never really felt like the camera was zoomed out as far as it could be.i installed the camera mod the other day and while it works (i can zoom out much further), if i zoom out past the default level (default of dark crusade zoom level) the upper half of the screen is covered in fog.is this fog of war? Is there a way to turn it off?i have the game set to what i imagine are the highest graphics and resolution settings, do i need to turn something down?/reduce something?thanksJust recently, but I switched to Ultimate Apocalypse mod.
Wrath of the Righteous was already ahead of the competition when it included a decent rotating camera instead of the locked isometric view. However, even its implementation can get a bit clunky, especially with all kinds of visual obstructions. It makes planning encounters needlessly trickier. Other times, the camera just bugs out in rooftops or towers.
Free Camera lets you have more control over the camera. It's not only great for combat or exploration but also for taking screenshots. You'll be able to zoom in much better and scope out the finer details of the characters and the environments.
Bonjour, je viens de recevoir mon nouveau PC, et il possède une résolution plus élevé que mon ancien.Lorsque j'ai voulu réinstallé Dark Crusade, j'ai donc mit dans les options graphiques au lancement ma résolution (1920x1080 32Bits) seulement la camera est beaucoup trop proche, je m'explique. Dèjà lors du test de rendu, je ne voyais pas le space marine en entier, il manquer un morceau du casque et ses pieds était poser sur le bord bas de l'ecran.Ensuite en jeu, je suis extrêmement proche du sol, bien trop à mon goût, par exemple, je joue avec la Garde et lorsque je commence une partie et que la caméra est dans sa position initial, le QG prend un grande partie de l'ecran, et je voit assez peu les alentours, je ne voit aucun point stratéfique ni quoi que ce soit, mon QG, du sol et c'est tout.Pas moyen de deszoomer avec la molette, mais je peut zoomer. Voila si quelqu'un à une idée de comment résoudre mon problème, ça serait sympas de la partager .
je mets un UP ayant le problème exactement identique après l'achat du pack sur steam. Camera bien trop proche alors que si je mets en 1024/768 la camera redevient casiement a hauteur normale.Y'aurait pas une manip a faire dans les fichiers du jeu vu que j'attends surement pas après un patch salvateur maintenant .... xxD
le mod s'active pas en jeu, faut juste copier les 3 fichiers ( camera_ed.lua , camera_high.lua et camera_low.lua qui sont dans engine/data que vous telechargez) dans votre fichier: Steam/steamapps/common/dawn of war soulstorm/engine/data et ensuite relancer votre jeu et vous pourrez dezoomer.
Shader tools like SweetFX, GemFX, Reshade use custom postprocessing presets to alter the way games look. They are more technical to apply than standard Steam Workshop mods and can hit your framerate, but if you want to dramatically change the colour balance of Total War: Warhammer 2 then there are worthwhile presets. Legionairre's Cinematic FX turns up the contrast and slightly washes out the colour to create a more realistic tone, for example. If you would like the game to look darker, there are Steam Workshop options like Darker Grand Campaigns. 2b1af7f3a8