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Festo Pneumatic & Hydraulic Suite FluidSIM 6 is the next generation FluidSIM for Pneumatic & Hydraulic. FluidSIM Suite allows you to simulate and model P&P systems and P&H systems automatically, independent of an actual plant. Traditional DDE/OOPE-/SVE-based CAD software is all about the design of a plant, and corresponds to the design of a P&P or P&H plant to the number of CAD drawers and axis of motion. This means that switching from a plant to CAD to P&P or P&H becomes increasingly complex with every pass. If you change to another plant, such as a production line or a control room, you have to go through all the steps again. You also have to go through all file formats in all software applications, including VBA for OOPE and Sytem V for SVE. Comparing simulations in FluidSIM and the visual tool of P&P or P&H plant design is not possible.
ECotect's interface is two-fold: 1) the window where you launch the program; and 2) the window where the analysis of the selected file(s) is carried out. The latter window allows you to see a schematic representation of the selected file, as well as an advanced analysis of the file's contents. At any time, you can easily switch between these two views.
We already have a post with the new product keys for Autodesk 2014 products but, for those of you using earlier versions of the software, that post is completely irrelevant. In this post, you can find all product keys for Autodesk 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 products. Why are product keys so important you ask? They are required for installation of Autodesk products and are used to differentiate products that are both sold independently and as part of a product suite. d2c66b5586