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5. Once the ingredients are mixed, you may want to add a little vegetable oil to keep the herbs from sticking to the food mill. But remember to add the finely chopped tomato at the end. It will promote the digestion of feed and yield maximum nutrition. In batches, chill the mixture to about 40o F. Spray spray it evenly on parboiled eggs or sprinkle it on the bottom of an egg tray. Do not use it to fry eggs.
Hatching Eggs (white instead of brown). Place the eggs in a pan or deep box filled with water. The temperature should be maintained at 100o F. If you have a sterilized hatchery, your eggs may be hatched without danger of infection. If you have a nightlight and a thermometer to check the temp, that may be your best bet.
6. Place an inverted pan (to keep the additions from tumbling out) in the water and sit on it. If you are using a nightlight, here is a good time to check, in case there is a rise in the water temperature. Although a rise is not dangerous if the eggs are bred, an increase of 5o F in the water temperature is very undesirable; therefore, it is essential to check and adjust the temperature frequently. If you are using an oven, do not put in more than the number of eggs you wish to incubate. As long as the temperature is maintained at 100o F, the incubation period is 40 to 45 days. This is not to be confused with the incubation period after hatching, which is another 50 to 60 days.
7. When you see the chicks are active, pop them in the hatchery. Adjust the incubator until the egg is turned for 45 minutes, then remove the thermometer so that you may use the night light bulb to see how the chicks are doing. d2c66b5586