Zen And The Art Of Disc Golf Books Pdf File |WORK|
Zen And The Art Of Disc Golf Books Pdf File ->>->>->> https://cinurl.com/2t7dAi
=rL7ARtN542U Jon Greene runs the online disc golf store, Good Sports Disc Golf. Jon and Good Sports have a mission to grow disc golf as well as opportunities for autistic people (or 'people with autism' depending on your wording preference) and others with special needs. More Jon/Good Sports: @goodsportsdiscgolf
Josh Jones is the owner and CEO of AGL Discs - a family owned and operated disc manufacturer who sets itself apart from the competition by being 100% customer and team oriented. AGL DISCS: @agldiscs GET 15% OFF AGL! ZEN DISC GOLF @zendiscgolf
Snappi is handlebar mustache wearing rapper with a passion for disc golf. MORE SNAPPI -we-goIG: @snappi865 MORE ZEN DISC GOLF : @zendiscgolf All music by Snappi & DevanThatDude - Used with the Artist's permission.
=ULwZk5wuyec Seth Munsey is the founder of Disc Golf Strong and an athletic trainer for some of the biggest names in both professional and amateur disc golf. His clients include Ricky Wysocki, Paige Pierce, Eagle McMahon, and MANY more. MORE SETH@discgolfstrong
His point here is straightforward, but profound. Disc golfers from all walks of life arrive at the course, step on to the first tee pad and attempt to perform the very same task: put the disc in the basket. Doing so is an artificial goal with arbitrary obstacles set before us for no purpose other than the delight of overcoming them. Like all sports, disc golf involves a series of often exhilarating performances that are ultimately futile and carried out in the absence of utilitarian purpose.
Zen and Discs are not simply reflections on the spiritual path of disc golf, but represent a quiet, if insistent, call for paradigm shift, for a new way of seeing the world that goes beyond the chains. 2b1af7f3a8